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This week I read in the paper that rich pet owners in New York City and San Francisco are, indeed, hiring high-priced "animal behaviorists", basically, to come to their houses and help them communicate better with their dogs.

Obviously, I personally have nothing against dogs. Actually, we have one of our own, an old West Highland Terrier named Harry, whom we picked up at a shelter a few years ago. As a matter of fact, coming from an animal shelter, Harry, all told, cost us about $37.50. But according to the article form the newspaper, in fact, Americans spent somewhere around another $2.7 billion last year for "pet services," including house calls from, so called, dog whisperers who can help, for hundreds of dollars per hour, by the way, translate between stressed owners and their pets

Anyway, it's not clear what exactly these people actually do when they come to your house, other than stifling a belly laugh over how they are getting $300 an hour to pretend to talk to an animal.