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Судьба парка Вашингтон Сквер

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg City Hall New York, NY 10007

Dear Mayor Bloomberg,

I attended the Community Board Two meeting on October 20. The hot topic on the agenda was Washington Square Park. As a public park, Community Board Two should represent the community's wishes and not be concerned with what benefits NYU. However, this did not happen, the Community was ignored by Community Board Two. The proceedings were very convoluted with resolutions overriding the original resolutions.

Community Board 2 voted for a plan that would benefit New York University at the expense of the neighborhood and everyone who visits Washington Square. Only five residents in attendance were for this plan while 200 in attendance and another 8,000 on a petition were against it, yet Community Board 2 voted FOR this plan!

Mr. Mayor, the community residents and the many visitors and businesses of Greenwich Village need you to intervene in order to stop the destruction of this world famous historic landmark. Every year many thousands of people come to see The Washington Square Fountain, The Washington Square Arch, and the historic park that has a rich history of free live acoustic music, a history that continues to be written today.

Thanks in advance for your consideration in this matter.


Ernest Budnick, Concerned Resident Of Greenwich Village

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