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Допинг в спорте

Drugs in sports can cost a player his or her reputation and more seriously, their lives. There are three major performance-enhancing drugs that are used by the super star athletes: anabolic steroids, amphetamine, and the human growth hormone pills.

Performance enhancing drugs have a major impact on sports and athletes. There are different effects for men and women but all of the problems are very serious. Men are subject to hair loss, acne and liver cancer, which can be a life threatening disease. Women are exposed to growth of body and facial hair and they are also liable to contract deepening of the voice. Amphetamine has very serious side effects in the male and female body. Both men and women can experience feelings of anxiety and restlessness along with a rapid heartbeat and heavy breathing. Humane growth hormone can damage the internal organs, and the bones and facial features. It can lead to diabetes, heart disease and possibly a shortened life span.

Performance-enhancing drugs can have a very serious impact on the public. If the public reaches the point where they find that sports revolve around just drugs and less athleticism, then it leads to sports losing the support of their fans, which affects the finances of the players and organizations. Without enough financial support sports cannot survive and would be ruined forever.

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        Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-4