Тексты (версия для печати)

Мужчины и женщины

The fact that men and women are different is well known. Some of these differences are constant and some are not; some have changed in the past and some are about to change in the future.

Men are considered to be physically stronger than women. First, the physical duties of a household always seem to be a job for the man of the house. Second, for now, men are most of the army fighting force of any country. Third, occupations that require physical effort are occupied by men.

Men and women are also different psychologically. For example, women have better communication skills than men. Even as young kids it is common that girls talk more and use richer vocabulary then boys.

Cognitively men and women are also different. Mathematic related professions are occupied buy more men than women. In addition, communication skills related jobs are mostly women-occupied jobs.

In conclusion, men and women are different in many ways. Some of them are changeable. However, some differences, such us body structure and strength are not changeable and will always remain. After all, the world will be a very boring place if both genders are exactly the same.

      1. Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3
        Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-4