Тексты (версия для печати)

Телефонное интервью

- Sally, do you really want to go to Harvard Law School? Won’t you be intimidated if you end up going there?

- Well, I really hope to. It would be a great opportunity, and it would guarantee a good job down the road.

- Have you gotten a telephone interview yet?

- No, but I expect to. I think they’ll be calling me this Friday afternoon.

- Oh, you’d better prepare what to say!

- I have already. I’m not sure what they’ll ask me, but I have a few general responses ready. Why I want to go to law school and what I want out of life, things like that.

- Ok, just don’t be too nervous on the phone. Nervousness has ruined a lot of people!

- Don’t worry. I won’t. I think I’m confident enough. Besides, I’m not too worried. Even if I don’t get into Harvard, everything will be fine.

- I know it will!

      1. Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3
        Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-4