Тексты (версия для печати)


- John, why were you so late to work today?

- I’m sorry, but there was a car accident in the city center, which resulted in a horrible traffic jam. I was stuck in traffic without moving for over an hour!

- I see. If I were you, I would have called the office to let us know that you’d be late. Since we’ve gotten a late start, we are going to be so behind all day.

- I know, really. But I couldn’t help it. If I had thought that there would be a problem, I would have brought my cell phone with me to work. But I never have any trouble getting to work on time, so I just didn’t think about it.

- Alright. We’ll have to forget about it now. But please, if you think you’ll be late in the future, please call and let us know. And don’t forget to keep your cell phone with you!

      1. Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3
        Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-4