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- Alice, do your daughters get along well?

- Yeah, they get along great. Though they live in different cities – one lives in Detroit, and the other lives in Dallas – they talk to one another every day.

- I’m happy to hear that. Unfortunately, my sons don’t seem to get along at all. They’re both still teenagers, and they get along like cats and dogs. One never knows what to do with them. When our family tries to go out and do something together, one out of two times the boys argue. One wants to go to this movie, the other wants to go to that movie. It’s endless.

- I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Earlier my daughters were like that too. One minute they’d be getting along great, but the next minute they’d be pulling one another’s hair out. It was exasperating, but once they reached their twenties, they seemed to settle down.

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