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- Hello. May I please speak with Mr. Tony Davis?

- This is Mr. Davis.

- Mr. Davis, this is Angela Jones from Central Bank. I regret to inform you that your loan has been declined.

- Oh. Could you explain why?

- If you would like, you can come into the bank and discuss this with a consultant. But from your report, it appears that your credit rating is rather low.

- I see. I’m not surprised. I really regret putting so many expenses on my credit cards. Do you think my chances for getting a loan will improve if I apply again later?

- Perhaps, if you can improve your credit rating. Do you have any other questions?

- No, not now.

- In that case, I will let you go. Let me repeat that if you have any questions in the future, don’t hesitate to call our 800-number.

- Alright. Thank you. Good bye.

      1. Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3
        Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-4