Тексты (версия для печати)

Удачная покупка

- Hey Jessica! Like your shoes! Are they new?

- Yeah, I just got them yesterday. I happened to be passing by “Candy’s” and they were having a sale.

- You got them on sale? How much were they?

- $30, original $70.

- Not bad! Maybe I will stop by there and pick up some shoes too. I need some new shoes for summer.

-Yeah, you really should. I want to go back actually. They had so many cute options. Actually, want to go over there now? I have a little bit of time before I have to get back to work.

- Can’t today. I’d really like to, but I am strapped for cash. I will probably be able to on the weekend, after I get my paycheck.

- Ok, well, just call me when you’re free and want to go shopping. I never need an excuse to go shopping!

- Will do!

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