Тексты (версия для печати)

Питьевая вода "One"

Dear Store Manager:

I drink lots of bottled water and noticed that you don’t currently stock my preferred brand – it’s called “One”.

It would be great if you should stock this brand – not only would it save me the problem of trying to find it in other stores, but you will also have the overwhelming satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to provide water to people around the world who currently don’t have any. This is because “One” donates all their profits to overseas water relief projects, which I think is a marvelous idea.

I hope to see “One” on your shelves in the near future.

Many thanks.

Yours faithfully, Mr. Andrew Tillman.

      1. Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3
        Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-4