Тексты (версия для печати)

Урок 01

  1. Ссора

After having a terrible fight with her sister, Susan, Jane thought about what she should have done. The whole thing started when Jane told Susan that she probably wouldn’t get the job that she was applying for. Susan, who had a very volatile personality, quickly became enraged: “I have an interview today!” Susan shouted. “If I were you, I would never say such a mean thing!” Susan accused Jane of being a know-it-all and a spoil-sport, but it turned out that Jane was right. Susan was still angry at her interview, and she was unable to seem self-confident and the company didn’t hire her. She was sure that, if she had had a clear mind at the interview, she would have gotten the job. After the argument Jane regretted speaking her mind. If she had known that her sister would get so angry, she wouldn’t have made such a blunt comment.

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        Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-4