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Плохая оценка

Today I got, obviously, the lowest mark in my math class... I’m so sad and disappointed. Not because I got that mark, but, basically, because I feel ashamed to my best friend who sat beside me at the time and got the highest mark. I don’t know... it’s funny actually... I mean when I got the lowest, she got the highest... it sounds like I’m in hell and she’s in heaven... and it sounds pretty bad for me... how embarrassing I am... In fact it’s not me... Quite honestly, usually I can do everything better than this. Although I almost never get the highest score, I never ever got the lowest score in my class. All in all, it hits my confidence.

In fact I’m so mad... I almost cried at the time. Surely, a good mark is one of the most important reasons to keep trying and doing my best. Apparently, I still need time to calm myself and decide the next step.

Moreover, the worst thing is that my teacher is the teacher who supports me so much, he knows me and I have a very good name in front of him... and now... Naturally, he was disappointed.