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Аллергия на пшеницу

- Sarah, would you like some pizza?

- No thanks. I can’t eat pizza, actually. I have an allergy to wheat. If I eat anything with wheat in it I get really sick.

- Oh, that’s really too bad! If I had known that you can’t eat wheat I would have picked something else up from the grocery. It must be really hard to have a diet with no wheat in it!

- Yeah, it’s hard, but it’s not too bad anymore. Nowadays they are making a lot of wheat-free products. Actually, if you look in the bread aisle of the grocery store, you will even find wheat-free bread!

- Is wheat-free bread any good?

- Of course it is! I know first-hand, because I buy it all the time. If it weren’t good, I wouldn’t buy it! They make some really nice breads out of different seeds. It’s denser than normal wheat bread, but if you eat it long enough you get used to it.

- But isn’t that bread expensive? It always seemed like a rip-off to me, because it’s so much more expensive than normal white bread.

- No, no! Not at all. The bread I’m talking about is so much healthier than typical white bread. Really, if I were you I would start buying hearty bread. It’s really good for you.