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- Ron, why were you absent from work the last two days? The work really piled up, and it was quite a tough day without you.

- I’m sorry, but I couldn’t make it. I was sick with food poisoning. On Monday night I went to “Famous Subs” in my neighborhood. No sooner did I eat my sandwich than I began to feel sick. Not until this morning did I begin to feel better. Nothing has ever made me so sick.

- That’s too bad. I’m sorry to hear you were so sick. Did you call the restaurant and complain? They should know that you got ill there, and perhaps give you a refund, don’t you think?

- I did try calling. No matter what I said, though, they didn’t believe me. They thought I was just trying to get an easy refund, or a free meal, but I don’t want a free meal! Never again will I go back there to eat.