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- Sam, what are you watching?

- It’s the most recent episode of “Grey’s Anatomy.” Have you ever seen this show?

- No, I haven’t. But I’ve meant to. So many people have told me how great it is.

- Yeah, it really is. I love shows that are about doctors or are set in hospitals. I used to really like “ER.”

- Me too, though I also like sitcoms. I like to be able to sit back and have a good laugh.

- Who doesn’t? But I prefer more serious shows. Not really a fan of sitcoms, I must say, though I caught a few episodes of “Friends.”

- Who hasn’t? “Friends” used to be so popular. They still show reruns of it on TV.

- Yeah, I’ve noticed. I must say that it’s not my cup of tea, though. I guess I am just too serious for sitcoms.

- Well, whatever floats your boat!