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- Angie, why don’t you go swimming?

- I can’t. I’m afraid to.

- Afraid? Haven’t you ever been swimming before?

- Yes, when I was eight. But I almost drowned, and since then I’ve had a fear of water.

- Really? Well, I used to be a swimming teacher. Maybe I can help you over come your fear of water. Do you want me to help?

- Well, let me think. I’m really not sure it’s possible. My fear is pretty strong. If I just put my feet in water I begin to panic.

- Did you ever try to overcome this fear before?

- Yeah, I did. I tried to take swimming lessons, but it didn’t help.

- Well, do you want to overcome your fear?

- I don’t think so. I don’t really mind being afraid of water. I don’t need to swim. I can live without it.