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Иностранный язык

- Robert, you speak Chinese so well! How many other languages do you speak?

- In general I speak six languages, but I only speak three languages well, including English.

- That’s really impressive. I really wish I could speak another language. It’s really time I started learning Spanish, at least. Spanish seems to be a relatively easy language for English-speakers to learn, and I encounter so many Spanish-speakers at my job. But I feel like I’m too old to start learning a language now.

- It’s a good idea. You should start learning Spanish. Leaning languages isn’t really as hard as it seems, and of course you are never too old to do anything!

- Thanks for the encouragement. Supposing I started to learn Spanish now, how long would it take me to be proficient?

- I can’t say exactly, but maybe two years, if you are studious.

- Two years. It’s not such a long time. Maybe I really will start learning Spanish. I should have started earlier, but you’re right – it’s never too late!