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Бесчеловечное отношение к животным

A piece of meat, a glass of milk, or even an egg might seem pretty harmless. Everyone knows where they come from but most choose not to think about it. The truth is that the piece of meat sitting on your plate at dinner came from an animal that was tormented and put through enormous stress and pain to get from the farm to the dinner table.

Farms that breed and raise animals for meat aren’t at all what we picture. Green meadows where the animals graze in peace for the few short years of their lives have been replaced by “flesh produce factories”. Animals not being treated with any respect or humanity, instead, they are seen only as profitable meat products.

Cows, sheep and pigs don’t just suffer at the slaughterhouse but throughout their lives. Feedlots, the places they are sent to fatten up before being killed are full of harmful bacteria and are extremely crowded.

People should strive to put a stop to this inhumanity. It is plain torture and disgusting that people eat diseased and steroid pumped animals.