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Жилищный вопрос

- Clark, if I were to sell my apartment and buy a big house in the suburbs, what would you think?

- It seems risky to me. The housing bubble is expected to burst, so if you buy a house now, its value could decrease dramatically in the next few years.

- Well, with or without the high value of real estate, I think that buying property is a good investment. The short term value of the property isn’t that important to me, because what I’m looking for is a house where I can live for the next twenty years: somewhere to have kids and raise a family.

- Hm, if you put it like that, I can only give words of encouragement. It is, of course, wonderful to buy your first home and begin planning for the rest of your life. Have you chosen which town you’d like to live in?

- Not really. Mainly I’m interested in finding a town with a good school district. I’m also looking for a place with lots of parks and green places for walking.

- Supposing you moved to my town, Hamburg. We could be neighbors! There’s a really nice house for sale in my neighborhood, in case you’re interested.

- I have to run it by my husband of course, but it’s a start at least.

- If I were you, I’d certainly check this house out. I’ll give you the realtor’s number tomorrow.