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День Рожденья

On April 27th Bill woke up late and walked to the kitchen. Everyone in his house was still sleeping. He poured himself a glass of juice, and felt a little glum: it was his birthday, and it seemed that no one remembered. No cards were waiting for him to open, and no birthday breakfast had been prepared for him. Since he had to go to work early, he left home without a word to anyone. Little did he know what his family had in store for him. Of course, everyone did remember his birthday – how could they forget it? It would be his twenty-first birthday, and of course that is a milestone in every American’s life. When Bill got home from work that evening, he stepped into the living room of his house, and to his astonishment he saw that the room was full of people, balloons and presents. His mother and sister had been planning this party for weeks: inviting his friends, finding the perfect gifts, and hiring a DJ to play the music. Bill was so touched to see the effort that they had gone to for him, and it turned out to be his best birthday ever.