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Спор из-за телефона

- Shelley, are you still on the phone? You’ve been talking forever!

- Yeah, I am. Why are you always on my case? You don’t need the phone, do you?

- It just so happens that I do need the phone. Actually, I am expecting an important phone call any minute now, and I am sick and tired of waiting around while you tie up the phone line.

- Huh? It’s you who’s always taking up the phone line! It’s about time you got a cell phone.

- Me? A cell phone? Are you going to pay for it? What you need is a reality check. I pay all of the bills around here, and you don’t give me any credit. I’m the one who pays the phone bill, along with everything else.

- No, that’s not true. I do pay a lot of the bills. Who bought the groceries today, hm? Not you, as far as I can tell.

- Ok, ok. I am tired of arguing about this. I think we should both get cell phones, and quit using the stationary phone. Then it will be fair and square, and we won’t fight over the phone anymore.

- Well, that suits me fine.

- I still need you to get off the phone now, because I am still expecting an important call!