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Начало учёбы в университете

When I entered university it was, surprisingly, much easier than high school. I went to a college preparatory school, where our teachers made us do two hours of homework every night – for each class! It was unbelievable. Our teachers would never let us get away with it if we came to class unprepared, which resulted in many sleepless nights. In 11th grade, our English teachers had us write a humungous term paper on one poem. This paper was called “the junior poetry paper.” We were allowed to choose only one poem, and we had to spend about three months researching the poem and its author, and then we had to write the paper. Everyone considered it the hardest thing they’d done up until that point, but, really, it made college much easier. In college I’m able to be a slacker and still get good grades, which was impossible in high school. For me, I can reel off a 10-page paper with my eyes closed, barely batting an eye lash or breaking a sweat. Most of my peers really struggle with the adaptation to college life, but not me. I think I can thank my torturous four years at the college prep school for that!