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О вкусах не спорят!

- Yuck, what are you eating?

- It’s a peanut butter, pickle and potato chip sandwich. Want to try it?

- No way, Jose. Peanut butter and pickles? That is so gross.

- Jeez, Louise. It’s yummy. You shouldn’t knock it ‘till you’ve tried it. If you ask me, you have your own disgusting habits.

- Like what?

- Well, you like sushi, for one. You couldn’t get me to eat sushi if you paid me $100.

- What are you talking about? A lot of people like sushi. There are whole restaurants devoted to making and selling sushi. You don’t see any “peanut butter, pickle and potato chip” restaurants out there, do you?

- Point taken. I still say, to each his own. I won’t force you to eat my sandwich, and you won’t force me to each sushi. We aren’t required to appreciate each other’s tastes.

- Ok, ok. That was some lecture. I won’t complain about your sandwich anymore. Just don’t eat in front of me, please!