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Проблемы с компьютером

- Hi Lorna, what’s up?

- Oh, not much. How are you doin’?

- I’m aight in general, but I’ve been having major problems with my computer. I have to print up a report by tomorrow, and I can’t seem to get my computer to work. It’s so fussy. First there’s something wrong with the mouse, then there’s something wrong with the connection to the printer. I just don’t have a clue about what I’m gonna do, and I’m beginning to panic.

- Don’t worry. I’m sure it’s nothing. Do you know anyone who can help fix it?

- Nah, not really. That’s why I called you. Do you have any ideas? You know so many people, I was sure you’d know someone who can swing over and clean up this mess. I’m also sure it’s nothing, but I am so inept when it comes to computers, that I just dunno.

- Honestly, I’m drawing a blank. If you’ll permit me to say so, I think you should call Tommy. Maybe you’re not talking to him anymore, but he really is a computer whiz.

- That jerk? No way. You could never convince me to call him, even if he were the last person on earth. You must have some other suggestions.

- Not really. How ‘bout this. I’ll come over in a little while, at 8-ish. Ok? And I’ll see what I can do. Maybe I can help sort this out. My computer is also on the brink half the time, and I always manage to straighten it out.

- Oh, that’d be awesome. You’re the best.